

Life on the Farm

This unit focuses on what life is like on the farm for both animals and farmers. It threads many thematic ideas touched upon previously. Children learn that farm animals eat, sleep, and move in different ways. They compare baby farm animals to grown farm animals and learn that one characteristic of living things is growth. Children look at how a farm is a home for many animals, and they explore different buildings found on a farm.
Life on the Farm

Family Resources

Introduction to the Unit (Week 1)

English Version

Introduction to the Unit (Week 1)

Spanish Version

Introduction to the Unit (Week 1) - Spanish

Featured Class Book (Week 1)

English Version

Featured Class Book - English

Spanish Version

Featured Class Book - Spanish

Family Invitations (Week 4)

English Version

Family Invitations

Spanish Version

Family Invitations

Keep It Going at Home (Week 1)

English Version

Keep It Going at Home (Week 1)

Spanish Version

Keep It Going at Home (Week 1)

Horse on the Farm (Week 1)

English Version

Horse on the Farm - English

Spanish Version

Horse on the Farm (Spanish)

Where is the Bucket? (Week 4)

English Version

What is made out of wood?

Spanish Version


Songs, Poems, and Chants

Mary Had a Little Lamb
Week 1

The Goats Go Marching
Week 3

Old MacDonald Had a Farm
Week 2

The Farming Song
Week 4

Unit 5 Songs

English Version

Mary Had a Little Lamb
Week 1

Songs (print)

Old MacDonald Had a Farm
Week 2

Songs (print)

The Goats Go Marching
Week 3

Songs (print)

The Farming Song
Week 4

Songs (print)

Spanish Version

Mary tenía
un corderito
Week 1

Songs (print)

Viejo Macdonald
tenia una granja
Week 2

Unit 1 Song Print (SPANISH)

Las cabras
Week 3

Songs (print)

Week 4

Unit 1 Song Print (SPANISH)

Cheer Images

Happy Horse
Week 1, Day 4 (IRA)

The Robot Week 3, Day 11 (IRA)

American Sign Language


ASL - Yes


ASL - No

I Like

ASL - I Like

Power of 3

ASL - Power of 3

I Predict

ASL - I Predict

I Learned

ASL - I Learned

I Hear

I Remembered

I Remember


I Remembered

I Wonder

ASL - I Wonder

I See

ASL - I See

Teaching Point Checklist

Teaching Point Checklist

Weekly Materials List

Week 1

Weekly Materials List

Week 2

Weekly Materials List

Week 3

Weekly Materials List

Week 4

Weekly Materials List

Mindful Moments

Find the Pause
Week 2, Day 7 (TT)

Find the Pause Week 2, Day 7 (TT)

Yoga Poses

Cow Pose

Cow Pose

Hen Pose

Hen Pose

Horse Pose

Horse Pose

Rooster Pose

Rooster Pose

Bridge Pose


Bridge Pose

Letter Formation





short /e/

hard /g/

soft /g/

Science Journal

Investigating Farmers Tools
Week 2, Day 8 (SG)

Science Journal - Investigating Farmers Tools Day 8 - Small Group

Transporting Eggs 
Week 2, Day 9 (SG)

Science Journal - Transporting Eggs  Day 9 - Small Group

Transporting Water
Week 2, Day 10 (SG)

Science Journal - Transporting Water Day 10 - Small Group

Does it Make a Sound?
Week 4, Day 16 (SG)

Science Journal - Does it Make a Sound? Day 9 - Small Group

Cow Bell Design
Week 4, Day 17 (SG)

Science Journal - Cow Bell Design Day 17- Small Group

Power of 3 Images

Think About How Others Feel
Week 1, Day 3 (TT)

Cheer Images - Stack Your Hands

Treat Living Things Carefully
Week 2, Day 9 (TT)

Cheer Images - The Robot

Letter and Numeral Formation Guide

Letter & Number Formation Guide

Unit 5 Images and Audio

Animal Homes

Animal Homes


Images of Barns

Farm Animal Cards
Week 1, Day 1 (GT)

Farm Animals

Farm Animal Cards
Week 1, Day 1 (GT)

Farm Animal Cards

Farm Animal Cards
Week 1, Day 1 (GT)

Farm Animal Cards

Farm Animal Cards
Week 1, Day 1 (GT)

Farm Animal Cards

Week 1, Day 1 (MTP)

Image of Ktten

Duck and Goose Cards
Week 1, Day 1 (SG)

Duck and Goose

Duck and Duckling Cards
Week 1, Day 2 (MT)

Duck and Duckling Cards

Cat and Kitten Cards
Week 1, Day 3 (SG)

Cat and Kitten

Pig Paintings
Week 1, Day 4 (TT)

Pig Paintings

Farm Syllable Cards
Week 1, Day 4 (MTP)

Farm Syllable Cards

Week 3, Day 11 (GT)

Image of Goat

Which kid is it?
Week 3, Day 13 (MTP)

Which kid is it?

Cows Wearing Bells
Week 4, Day 16 (SG)

Image of Cows in bells

Pig Squeal
Week 1, Day 2 (MTP)

"Carbito" Pronunciation
Week 2, Day 11 (TT)

Cow Bell Sound
Week 4, Day 16 (SG)

Cow Bell Sound Week 4, Day 16 (SG)

*Links to YouTube videos.

Board Games and Pieces

*Please note that the game boards below print on US Legal size paper, which is 8½ inches wide and 14 inches long.

Horse on the Farm (Board Game)
Week 1, Day 4 (SG)

Horse on the farm game

Chicken on the Farm (Board Game)
Week 2, Day 6 (SG)

Chicken on the farm game

Barn Game Card
(for floor grid)
Week 3, Day 12 (SG)

Horse on the farm game

Goat Game Card
(for floor grid)
Week 3, Day 12 (SG)

Chicken on the farm game

Flower Mound Game Card
(for floor grid)
Week 3, Day 12 (SG)

Chicken on the farm game

Game Pieces
(for table top game)
Week 3, Day 13 (SG)

Horse on the farm game

Direction Cards
(for table top game)
Week 3, Day 13 (SG)

Chicken on the farm game

Get the Goat to the
Flower Mound (Board Game)
Week 3, Day 13 (SG)

Chicken on the farm game

Blank Obstacle Cards
(for table top game)
Week 3, Day 15 (SG)

Chicken on the farm game

Goat Headband
Week In Review 3

Horse on the farm game

Book List

Unit 5 Book List
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