

Animal Architects

In this unit on animal homes, children combine what they have learned about what living things need to survive and how buildings get made. They learn how animals use what they find in their environment to build shelters and other structures to take care of themselves and their young. They take part in a new design challenge by building their own nests, and they learn about how our planet has many different kinds of habitats for many different kinds of animals.
Animal Architects

Family Resources

Introduction to the Unit (Week 1)

English Version

Introduction to the Unit (Week 1)

Spanish Version

Introduction to the Unit (Week 1) (Spanish)

Featured Class Book (Week 1)

Featured Class Book
Family Letter #2 - Spanish Version

Feed the Kangaroo (Week 3)

Feed the Kangaroo (Week 3)
Feed the Kangaroo (Week 3) Spanish

Keep It Going at Home (Week 1)

English Version

Keep It Going at Home (Week 1)

Spanish Version

Keep It Going at Home (Week 1) (Spanish)

Riddles (Week 3)

Unit 8 Riddle
Family Letter #2 - Spanish Version

Family Invitations (Week 4)

Family Invitations
Family Invitations

Songs, Poems, and Chants

Week 1

Little Birds are Building
Week 3

The Roots of a Tree
Week 2

The Earth Poem
Week 4

Unit 8 Song Print

English Version

Week 1

Underground Week 1

The Roots of a Tree
Week 2

The Roots Of A Tree Week 2

Little Birds are Building
Week 3

Little Birds are Building Week 3

The Earth Poem
Week 4

The Earth Poem Week 4

Spanish Version

¿Sabes lo que
hay bajo tierra?
Week 1

¿Sabes lo que hay bajo tierra? Week 1

Las raíces
de un árbol
Week 2

Las Raíces De Un Árbol Week 2

Los pajaritos están construyendo
Week 3

Los pajaritos están construyendo Week 3

El poema
de la Tierra
Week 4

El poema de la Tierra Week 4

American Sign Language


ASL - Yes


ASL - No

I Like

ASL - I Like

Power of 3

ASL - Power of 3

I Predict

ASL - I Predict

I Learned

ASL - I Learned

I Hear

I Remembered

I Remember


I Remembered

I Wonder

ASL - I Wonder

I See

ASL - I See

Teaching Point Checklist

Teaching Point Checklist 1-5

Weekly Materials List

Week 1

Weekly Materials List

Week 2

Weekly Materials List

Week 3

Weekly Materials List

Week 4

Weekly Materials List

Letter and Numeral Formation Guide

Letter & Number Formation Guide

Yoga Poses

Worm Pose
Week 1, Day 2 (GT)

Worm Pose

Tree Pose
Week 2, Day 6 (MT)

Tree Pose

Mindful Moments

Wise Owl
Week 2, Day 8 (TT)

Wise Owl

Being Thankful
Week 4, Day 19 (TT)

Being Thankful

Letter Formation






Science Journal

Exploring Dirt 
Week 1, Day 1 (SG)

Exploring Dirt Day 1 - Small Group

Mixing Dirt and Water 
Week 1, Day 2 (SG)

Mixing Dirt & Water Day 2 - Small Group

Bird Nest Observation
Week 2, Day 11 (SG)

Bird Nest Observation Week 2, Day 11 (SG)

Trying Out My Nest
Week 3, Day 14 (SG)

Trying Out My Nest Day 14 - Small Group

Unit 8 Images and Audio

Birds and their Eggs

Birds and their Eggs

Animal Homes

Animal Homes

Words that begin with /d/
Week 1, Day 3 (MTP)

Words that begin with /d/

Words that begin with /g/
Week 1, Day 3 (MTP)

Words that begin with /g/

Nature Centers
Week 1, Day 4 (TT)

Nature Centers

Architect Zaha Hadid
Week 1, Day 5 (IRA)

Architect Zaha Hadid

Animal Cards
Week 2, Day 6 (GT)

Animal Cards

Animal Cards
Week 2, Day 6 (GT)

Animals Cards

Animal Cards
Week 2, Day 6 (GT)

Animals Cards

Animals in Hollows
Week 2, Day 7 (MTP)

Animals in Hollows

Rock Cards
Week 2, Day 7 (SG)

Animals in Hollows

 Animal Homes
Week 2, Day 9 (MTP)

Animal Homes

Birds Homes
Week 3, Day 11 (TT)

Birds Nests

Bird Building a Nest
Week 3, Day 11 (IRA)

Bird building a nest

Paintings of Birds and Nests
Week 3, Day 12 (TT)

Paintings of Birds and Nests

Letter N
Week 3, Day 13 (TT)

The Letter N

Week 4, Day 16 (GT)


Week 4, Day 16 (MT)


Week 4, Day 16 (MTP)


Week 4, Day 16 (MTP)


Bill Martin Jr.
Week 4, Day 16 (IRA)

Bill Martin Jr.

Ocean Habitat
Week 4, Day 17 (GT)

Ocean habitat

Gila Monster
Week 4, Day 18 (MT)

Gila Monster

Desert Habitat
Week 4, Day 18 (GT)


April Pulley Sayre
Week 4, Day 18 (IRA)

April Pulley Sayre

Polar Habitat
Week 4, Day 19 (GT)

Polar habitat

Week 4, Day 19 (MTP)


Marshland Habitat
Week 4, Day 20 (GT)

Marshland habitat

Feed the Kangaroo Game
Week 4, Day 20 (SG)

Feed the Kangaroo Game Day 20 - Small Group

Bird Sounds - Crow
Week 3, Day 12 (MTP)

Bird Sounds - Eagle
Week 3, Day 12 (MTP)

Bird Sounds - Pigeon
Week 3, Day 12 (MTP)

Rain Forest Habitat
Week 4, Day 16 (GT)

Ocean Habitat
Week 4, Day 17 (GT)

Desert Habitat
Week 4, Day 19 (GT)

Polar Habitat Sounds
Week 4, Day 18 (GT)

Marshland Habitat Sounds
Week 4, Day 20 (GT)

Book List

Unit 8 Book List
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