Blueprint’s curriculum guide is a amazing professional development tool all on its own. It provides teachers with the research and theory behind effective preschool instruction and specifically high quality literacy instruction.
The guide includes chapters that help teachers understand the foundation of classroom design and management, including the critical role of the teacher in guiding young children’s behavior, as well as, numerous example of engaging centers.
The scope & sequence for the entire curriculum can be found in the curriculum guide. It is divided into ten strands with a chapter devoted to each of them. Each of these chapters focuses on “what” that strand means for Pre-K children, why it’s important, how you teach into it and how you can assess it. Multiple examples of what this looks like in practice are offered as well as numerous teaching tips.
Tools to Support Instruction
The Curriculum Guide offers teachers numerous tools to support instruction. There are self-reflection tools and reproducible alphabet pictures with tips on how to use them. Teachers will also find assessment tools for tracking student growth in concepts of print, alphabet knowledge, phonemic awareness and writing. These tools will provide teachers with the necessary information to make informed instructional decisions and group children in ways that will assure their children are kindergarten-ready.